Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to Make Bigos "Hunter's Stew recipe"

Bigos or Hunters Stew is a nationwide meal of Poland. Bigos is a savoury meal, typically made with sauerkraut (kapusta kiszona) or cabbage and meat. Practically any sort of sausage or meat can be included. It made use of to be prepared in a cauldron or on a camp fire and Polish hunters would include whatever meat they had to hand, as an example, venison.
Smoked meats or sausages (such as kabanos) are perfect, too, including additional flavour, in addition to juniper berries, carraway, bay leafs. Some like it really sour, whilst others like to sweeten it a little with honey or prunes.
This Polish hunter's meal is a genuine stick-to-your ribs sort of affair.  It's a bit rich to validate for a weeknight dish, however for a midwinter celebration with a group of buddies who like to consume, it's definitely ideal.
How to Make Bigos
0.25 kg of smoked bacon
0.7 kg of thin sausages (kielbasa)
4 young cabbages
0.7 kg of lean pork
1 carrot
1 parsley
Half of celery
1 onion
3 bay leaves.
4 grains of allspice
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 lot of dill.
1 tablespoon of oil.
Salt & pepper.
1. Cut pork and onion into little pieces, fry in oil.
2. Put fried meat & onion into a pot, include percentage of water and simmer for 30 minutes.
3. Cut cabbage into little pieces.
4. To the boiling meat and onion include: cabbage, diced bacon, veggies, entire bay leaves and allspice.
5. Boil the entire mix till cabbage is soft.
6. Season your bigos with salt, pepper and a little sugar.
7. Prior to serving include sausages (kielbasa) to the pot to make them warm.
8. Slice dill and sprinkle bigos served on plates (or serve sliced dill on a different saucer).