Monday, May 25, 2015

Okayu Traditional Japanese Recipes

Japan cuisine this time will present a traditional dish called Okayu (rice borridge). Okayu is easily digested, so that people in Japan generally eat while having a cold or the like. This is the basic recipe for making Okayu plain. Various materials such as chicken and radish can be added if desired.


* 1/2 cup of rice Japan
* 3 cups water (adjust the amount of water that is based on your preferences)
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* Chopped chives
* Sesame seeds
* Umeboshi (pickled ume)


  1. Wash rice and drain Japan. Put water and rice in a saucepan Let stand for about 30 minutes. Cover the pan and place on medium heat until boiling. 
  2. Then cook the rice with a small fire and cook the rice for about 30 minutes. 
  3. Then open the lid and let steam out for 10 minutes. Season with salt. Serve in a bowl of rice. 
  4. Put toppings, such as chopped green onion, sesame seeds, and / or umeboshi if you want.