Saturday, May 23, 2015

Italian Pasta and Sauce Recipes

Pasta is a product of the typical Italian food ingredients, and requires little knowledge of cooking pasta is true that this could be a perfect dish served. In general, ignorance about how to cook pasta can get results less expected, namely that overcook or overcooked pasta. So you can get the desired results, there are some tips to consider:

cara masak pasta

Pasta cooking tips:
Using a comparison of the current water and pasta will be boiled, which is about 4 liters of water to 1/2 kg pasta. It takes a lot of water so that the pasta can be quite mature, because if the pasta is less likely to clot. At the moment the water starts to boil, immediately add 2 teaspoons salt to taste. Then enter the pasta when the water is boiling, cook the pasta in a way, stirring, stirring a few times - do not keep. Do not sealed with a wedge, or all not closed and let. Stirring aims to prevent the pasta sticking to one another.

Ingredients :

  • 30 grams of cheddar cheese
  • 3 cloves garlic White
  • 1/2 onion, sliced
  • 300 ml of tomato sauce
  • 3 tablespoons Sauce Sambal
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tsp pepper to taste MSG
  • 3 tablespoons cooking oil
  • Enough water
  • Chicken eggs 2 eggs, boiled
  • 100gr Beef
Step : 

  1. Heat oil, put onion stir-fry until fragrant, then insert the garlic, saute change color to brown.
  2. Enter tomato sauce and chili sauce, stir until well blended. Add salt, pepper, and MSG, continue stirring.
  3. If it is still too thick, add a little boiled water. Add the beef, mix well.
  4. Serve pasta ie, one plate of pasta poured 7-8 tablespoons of the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese to taste.
  5. Put a piece of boiled egg, or cut to taste at the edge of the pasta. Stir in pasta sauce and cheese had been given until blended, stirring eggs should not be involved, according to taste.
  6. Thus some good cooking tips and recipes pasta sauce to produce