How to Make an Easy Cake (Recipes)

How to Make an Easy Cake (Recipes). Recipes and How to Make an Easy Cake Bolu ~ This time I will share tips to you all about how to make a delicious sponge cake and of course very easy and can be practiced at home each of you. Sponge cake is usually a lot of the mothers used to hold a celebration, be it a birthday and others.

Recipes and How to Make an Easy Cake Bolu

Well, for those of you who can not wait to find out the recipe and how to make sponge cake with ease, I will give you the recipe with pleasure. Therefore, see good steps that must be done and also prepare materials and tools that I have explained below:

- 200 grams of butter, melt over medium heat
- 100 grams of sugar
- 100 grams of wheat flour
- 50 grams of cocoa powder
- 10 grams 0valet / softener cake
- 5 eggs
- 1/2 cans of sweetened condensed milk chocolate
- Butter with flavor Stowberry

How To Make:

  1. Whisk the sugar, eggs and ovalet at high speed until fluffy. Then enter the flour, cocoa powder and condensed milk, stir until all the ingredients blended.
  2. Then enter the butter has melted and stir again until smooth. Then pour the mixture had been stirred into a square baking pan that has been buttered beforehand.
  3. Steamed over medium heat for 30 minutes or wait until cooked, remove and let cool.
  4. Remove the cake from the mold, and then divide the cake into two parts by a flat. After that spread with strawberry jam in the bottom, then cover again with a piece of cake.
  5. Cut the cake to your taste each.
  6. Steamed chocolate sponge cake ready to be served, the most delicious meal at iringin with drinking milk. 
  7. Can be toping to beautify the sponge cake which we created.
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