Easy Thukpa Recipe, Vegetarian Soup

Easy Thukpa Recipe, Vegetarian Soup.
Thukpa is a popular soup in the northern Himalayan area of Nepal. Great smelling, easy and hearty to prepare, this pleasing soup dish is a simple midweek winter season warmer. Thokpa is boiled noodles, filtered and combineded with veggies and meat products.
Thukpa is likewise called Thokpa, It is preferred in Kathmandu and Mountain area of Nepal. It is consumed primarily throughout winter season.
Thokpa is noodles dipped in really hot soup, so it is great in cold locations. It keeps you warm. It has its own chili dipped vinegar source. People choose hot and hot tomato Achar with this product too. Thokpa is consumed typically for Khaja at midday or dishes in night.

Rice noodles (Spaghetti) -1 pound
Chicken Broth- 6 cups
Grilled chicken bust, cut into extremely thin 1/8 inch pieces -1/ 2 pound
Carrot- cut in cube 1/2 cup
Red bell pepper cut in cubes -1/ 2 cup
Food preparation oil -1 tablespoon
Salt and pepper, as required
Sliced cilantro (to garnish) -1 tablespoon

Ingredients for Soup Paste:
Garlic minced 1 teaspoon
Ginger, minced 1 teaspoon
Red Chili Pepper-2 fresh
Tomatoes -1/ 2 cup
Fresh cilantro minced -1 tablespoon
Cumin seed-1 teaspoon toasted
Turmeric -1/ 2 teaspoon
Peppercorn Szechwan (timur)-1/ 2 teaspoon
Asafoetida (Hing) powder- 1/16 teaspoon
Lime Juice- 1 table spoon newly pressed
1. Boil half liter water in a huge pan. When the water begins having bubbles include the Spaghetti.
2. In the very same time take a mixer and blend all soup paste components into a thick paste; reserve in a little bowl.
3. When the spaghetti is soft take it off the heat and soak the excess water.
4. Wash the spaghetti in running cold water.
5. In a sauce pan heat food preparation oil; include soup paste, fry for about 30 seconds
6. Include chicken broth and blend well.
7. Give a boil; set heat to low and cook for a couple of minutes; adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
8. Bring in all veggies into the soup mix; cook for a couple of minutes or till tender.
9. Include the Spaghetti in the mix
10. If a soupier consistency is preferred, you could include more broth.
11. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
12. To serve, pour soup broth into a serving bowl and include grilled chicken pieces and prepared rice noodles.
13. Serve right away.
14. If you prefer hot soup broth, include hot chili sauce or tomato achar to the soup.
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