Making Easy Tinutuan Recipe

Making Easy Tinutuan Recipe.
Manado porridge or Tinutuan is among the common food from Manado (Minahasa), among the ethnic groups in Indonesia located in Northern Sulawesi island, called the Land of Toar Lumimuut.Tinutuan generally a dish made from rice porridge combineded with numerous veggies such as water spinach, edible hibiscus, spinach, pumpkin, cassava and sweet corn.
The etymology of the word tinutuan is unknown.The specific date when tinutuan was designed. The regional government of Manado made tinutuan a main icon of the Manado city. At its location of origin, Manado, tinutuan typically served with smoked skipjack tuna, shrimp paste or smoked garfish sambal, or meatballs.
1 cup of rice
a lot of water spinach
5 cobs of sweet corn, separated from the cob
2 pieces of lemongrass, cut into ± 5 cm in length then break it with pestle
2 stalks of basil
a lot Daun Gedi or Edible hibiscus
a lot spinach
300 gram pumpkin, cut in pieces
300 gram cassava, cut in pieces
Salt to taste
1. Wash and drain rice.
2. Wash all veggies and pat dry.
3. Get in the rice, cassava, pumpkin and sweet corn in a pot with adequate water.
4. Prepare the rice till practically ended up being porridge.
5. Get in water spinach, edible hibiscus, lemongrass, basil and spinach.
6. Include salt to taste for flavoring.
7. Stir till all active ingredients are prepared and porridge into a thick.
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