Tek-Tek Noodles Recipe From Indonesian Traditional Food

Tek-Tek Noodles Recipe From Indonesian Traditional Food.
It will not take you long to end up being familiarized with mie tektek if you go to Indonesia. It's more challenging to discover at dining establishments stateside, Mie tek-tek describe mie goreng offered by taking a trip street hawkers that striking the wok making "tek-tek" sounds to reveal their items. Thankfully, it's not difficult to find out how to make mie tektek at home.
This basic mie tektek dish reflects a conventional variation of the meal, however do not feel kept back if you cannot discover all the active ingredients; you'll still have the ability to get the essence of the meal even if you switch some various veggies. Feel totally free to replace based on your choices; it's simple to go vegetarian, or to make use of more shrimp and abandon the chicken.
5 cloves of garlic - cut
1 tsp salt
5 candlenuts - cut little and fry in a pan without oil
1/2 tsp white peppercorn
250g medium prawns - deshelled
Half Little Beijing Cabbage - Julienned
1.5 litre water
1 tsp chicken stock powder
2 tablespoon kecap manis
500g flat egg noodles - cook as directed
4 eggs - gently beaten
1 chicken bust - boil til prepared and gently fry both sides - shredded
Salt, Pepper, Oil
Garnish with: cut spring onion and fried onion
1. Heat oil in a food preparation pan, stir fry the mixed active ingredients til great smelling.
2. Include in prawns til color altered.
3. Include in water, chicken stock powder, salt, pepper, soy sauce.
4. Bring to boil.
5. Include in shredded chicken and cabbage, stir well for 1 minute, include in beaten eggs gradually while.
6. Continue stirring til eggs prepared.
7. Transfer the prepared noodles on serving plate, pour the soup over the noodles.
8. Garnish with spring onion and fried onion.
9. Serve hot.
10. For those who prefer to consume this noodle spicy, can bring in crushed green bird eye's chilli into the bowl.

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