Colomba Pasquale Recipe, Italian Cuisine

Colomba Pasquale Recipe, Italian Cuisine.
This is a conventional Italian dish for a classic rich, sweet bread that's baked in a paper mould formed like a dove and which is generally served for Easter. Colomba pasquale or colomba di Pasqua is an Italian conventional Easter cake.
These are standard Italian Easter loaves baked in dove-shaped paper moulds that have to be prepared over 2 days.
500 g all purpose flour
150 g sugar
14 g active dry yeast
150 g butter
1 cup milk
4 whole eggs
2 egg yolks
100 g candied orange peel
50 g coarse sugar
100 g almonds

1. Peel the almonds. They will certainly be simpler to peel after blanching them in boiling water.
2. Make a paste making use of half the flour, include the yeast after it liquefies in a quarter cup of warmed milk, make it into a round loaf shape, cover it with a dishcloth, and leave it to increase.
3. When it has actually doubled in size, blend the entire eggs, one egg yolk, the remaining flour, sugar, butter, a pinch of salt, candied orange peel, and the milk.
4. Leave it to increase once again on a buttered meal, making the dough into the kind of a dove; it might assist if you make use of a dove template, cut from heavy paper into the correct shape.
5. Beat the remaining egg white, and brush the mix onto the dough.
6. Sprinkle with the almonds and the coarse sugar.
7. When the dough has actually doubled in size, cook in a hot oven (375� F ) for a couple of minutes, then in a moderate oven (325� F) for about an hour or up until golden.
8. Makes enough to fill 2 of the above Colomba Bake & Serve Pans.
9. You can fill and embellish with chocolate, a pastry cream, or mascarpone cream.
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