Sambal Goreng Hati Recipes Indonesian Food

Sambal Goreng Hati Recipes Indonesian Food.
How to make Sambal Goreng Hati
Sambal Goreng Hati, well certainly very delicious to eat rice every day as a friend during lunch together with loved ones, you would probably have heard it often, but obviously you have not been able to make it yourself because if you are able to make sure you are not going to read the discussion of the story collection this real time about the sauce recipe fried liver.
Here are the ingredients, and seasoning is needed and how to process them as well,

500 grams of liver beef liver should
Thick coconut milk 250 miles 500 grams of small round
Shrimp 300 grams, preferably fresh shrimp
30 grains of quail eggs, boiled shell prawns 3 tablespoons of cooking oil.
5 pieces of red chilli finely sliced ??3 cm galangal, crushed 3 pieces Bay leaves 1 teaspoon salt
Spices: 12 pieces of red onion 4 cloves garlic red chilli 100 grams of ginger 1 � cm

How to make fried liver sauce:
Potatoes peeled, cut into cubes, wash thoroughly liver Boil until cooked, diced and set aside
Heat oil, saute ground spices, along with the bay leaves and galangal until fragrant, enter the shrimp, stir briefly. Add pieces of liver and potato Add the coconut milk, stirring until blended. When it boils give quail eggs, and chili slices. Continue to cook until the sauce dries and potatoes cook. Lift serve. Thus the discussion of this collection of true stories tentag how to make sambal fried liver, hopefully this discussion helpful, happy to try to make yourself at home and hopefully useful