Easy Recipe Caldillo de Congrio

Easy Recipe Caldillo de Congrio.
Caldillo de congrio is a Chilean fish dish. Coming from the South American nation of Chile, Caldillo de congrio is an eel-based meal. Caldillo de congrio, translated from Spanish to English, suggests "broth of conger," or conger chowder.
The meal is called after its cornerstone, an eel called conger. Chile's long Pacific coastline makes it a a genuine paradise for cooking fans of fruits of the sea.
Chileans utilize their ocean bounty in many methods. This eel types is normally discovered in the part of the Pacific Ocean that surrounds or touches the coasts of Chile called the Chilean Sea, and it is the order of fish made use of for prep work of Caldillo de congrio.
4 servings

White fish or conger eel filets, cut into pieces (1 pound).
Rich fish stock (4 cups).
Paprika (1 tablespoon).
Onion, very finely sliced (1).
Garlic, minced (3 to 4 cloves).
Tomatoes, seeded and sliced (2 cups).
Olive oil (2 to 3 tablespoons).
White wine (1 cup).
Parsley, carefully sliced (2 tablespoons).
Bay leaf (1).
Salt and pepper (to taste).
Whipping cream (1/2 cup).
Cilantro, sliced (1/2 lot).

1. Heat the oil in a big pot over medium-high flame.
2. Bring in the onion and saute till clear, about 3 to 4 minutes.
3. Stir in the garlic and paprika and saute for another 1 to 2 minutes.
4. Stir in the tomatoes and simmer for another 4 or 5 minutes to prepare the tomatoes down a bit.
5. Cook and include the wine down for another minute approximately.
6. Gather the fish stock and bring in the parsley, bay leaf, pepper and salt.
7. Give a boil, then minimize heat to medium-low and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
8. Include the fish or eel and simmer till the fish is prepared through, about 5 to 8 minutes.
9. Stir in the cream and change seasoning with salt and pepper.
10. Serve in bowls, garnished with the a few of the sliced cilantro � or other hot pepper sauce.