How to Make Pepes From Indonesian Food (Steamed Fish in Banana Leaf Recipe)

How to Make Pepes From Indonesian Food (Steamed Fish in Banana Leaf Recipe).
Pepes is an Indonesian food approach making use of banana leaf as food wrappings. It is challenging to discover banana leaf, so you can substitude it with aluminium foil.
Goldfish or Ikan Mas make outstanding animals. They do not scratch your furnishings, poo on your carpeting or take your food. In Indonesia nevertheless, animals just end up being animals when they are definitely inedible.
Ikan mas are for that reason frequently involved banana leaves and wind up on a plate. Ikan mas are in reality typical carp, not the goldfish you keep in fish tanks. Typically, pepes will certainly be covered in banana leaf, prepared on steam in boiled water or grilled on charcoal.
This food preparation method enables the rich spices mix to be compressed and offer rich scent. You can naturally likewise make use of other fish, such as tuna, cod, trout and so on. Still, lots of a traveler gasps in horror when opening the banana leaf parcel and seeing that so familiar brilliantly colored fish, steamed and prepared to consume.
Conquer your petty associations though and you will certainly see that ikan mas are fairly (delicious)! Delicious and fragrant, this meal is wonderful to serve friends and family. Opening the banana leaves is nearly like opening a present.

Half a kilogram of fish
7-10 onions
1 candlenut fruit
2 thumbs of turmeric
2 cm ginger
5-7 cloves of garlic.
2 thumbs of turmeric
2 cm ginger

Additional Ingredients:
Chopped onion leaf 0,5 � 1 cm long
2-3 salam leaves (daun salam), kemangi (a kind of basil)
3-5 chilies
A tomato, chopped into at least 6 to 10 slices, to easily wrap it later
A spoon of sugar, a small pinchof salt and a spoonful of lime juice
One piece of long lemongrass
1. Get rid of scales along with internal part of fish; mark the skin a little with knife, however keep it undamaged without breaking the bone.
2. Grind the cornerstones in a mortar and pestle.
3. Mix the carefully pounded cornerstones with the added components leaving out the kemangi and tomato.
4. Smear the fish with the bumbu (mix of spices), tear the daun salam and put them inside the fish.
5. Wrap the fish firmly in a banana leaf and close off with a toothpick. Make sure the fish and bumbu is sealed off entirely so the parcels do not leakage. Do not forget to include the kemangi and tomato pieces as well as the smashed lemongrass.
6. Steam the covered fish for a minimum of 30 minutes till prepared.
7. Burned the ripe covered fish on little fire stove, turning it up and down and taking it out when its fragrant odor arises.
8. Serve it for your familly.