Originally Roast Duck "Bebek Betutu" God Island

Originally Roast Duck "Bebek Betutu" God Island.
Initially roast duck (bebek betutu) and roast chicken (ayam betutu) in banana leaves or in Pinang palm leaves are normal food of Gianyar area in Bali. Ayam betutu made from chiken or duck flavored. after chicken or duck combined with natural herbs, chicken will certainly be roasted with fire chaff. The following are the steps to make ayam betutu.
In numerous restaurants menu in Ubud and Denpasar, bebek betutu or ayam betutu is likewise readily available however we need to buy it a minimum of one day previously since it takes very long time to make it. It's complete of flavour and extremely damp.
A classic Balinese ritualistic meal that's simple enough to prepare in your barbecue.

1 duck (ideally free-range and natural, much like Balinese ducks).
1 cm-piece fresh turmeric, sliced.
1 cinnamon stick or piece of cassia bark.
1 roll of banana leaves (optional).
200 g spinach leaves, blanched and about shredded.

Seasoning paste:
10 shallots or 2 medium onions, sliced.
cloves from 1 head of garlic.
1 cm-piece ginger.
1 cm-piece fresh turmeric.
3 red chillies, about sliced (optional).
4 candlenuts, squashed.
2 tsp shrimp paste, roasted.
1 cm-piece galangal.
1 lemongrass stalk, external leaves disposed of, sliced.
1 tablespoon grated palm sugar.
1 tsp black peppercorns, squashed.
2 tsp coriander seeds, squashed.
3 tablespoon lime juice.
3 kaffir lime leaves, carefully sliced.
2 tablespoon peanut oil.
2 tablespoon water.
3 tsp salt.


Preheat a barbecue with a hood (a Weber is perfect). Preheat the oven to 160 ° C. Wash the duck inside and out in a bowl of water instilled with the turmeric. Place the flavoring paste components in a mixer and mix to a chunky paste.
Incorporate half of the paste with the spinach leaves and reserved. Rub the staying paste over the duck inside and out. Things the tooth cavity of the duck with the spinach mix and the cinnamon stick or cassia bark.
Wrap the duck well in banana leaves or foil. Whether making use of leaves or foil, cover the parcel in a last layer of foil. Location the parcel on an oven tray.
Prepare the duck in the barbecue for 4 hours.
Prepare it in the oven for 2 hours, then turn down the temperature level to 120 ° C and cook for an even more 2 hours.
Serve with rice, sambal, and steamed snake beans or Chinese environment-friendlies (or both). Serve in a bowl along with the duck.
Eliminate from the barbecue or oven and drain the juices into a pan. Simmer till minimized somewhat and incorporate with a little stuffing from the duck.