Spotted Dick Pudding Simple Recipe

Spotted Dick Pudding Simple Recipe.
Spotted Dick is a traditional British pudding made from suet, or mutton fat. This is not a pudding for the faint-hearted or those on a diet plan.

Made from suet, flour and dried fruit it is high in calories. It is, nevertheless, the ideal pudding for a treat on a cold winter season's day.
"Spotted" describes the currants, fruit or raisins in the pastry. "Dick" is messier to discuss - the word itself has a fuzzy history, etymology resources recommend that the "dick" in "spotted dick" might be "a corruption of the last syllable of pudding," "a corruption of 'dough�," or a reference to the German dick, implying viscous or thick. This produces a pastry dough, to which raisins or dry fruit are included, for this reason the dessert's "areas." The dough is typically either steamed or boiled, and is typically served with a custard sauce.
How to Make Spotted Dick Pudding

1 � cup unsalted butter
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
� tsp salt
1 cup sour cream
1 � cup sugar
2 eggs
3 egg yolks
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 � cup flour
1 cup currants
� cup sherry
� cup rum
Icing sugar

1. Preheat oven to 350� F.
2. Line two 8" round pans with parchment paper and reserved.
3. In a medium bowl, incorporate flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt, reserve.
4. In a little bowl, soak currants in sherry and rum, reserve.
5. In a stand mixer, cream butter and sugar.
6. Include eggs, egg yolks and vanilla.
7. When incorporated, alternate including flour mix and sour cream.
8. Get rid of bowl from stand mixer and fold in drenched currants.
9. Fill prepared cake pans with batter and bake for 30-40 minutes, examining after 30 with a toothpick.
10. When cooled, top with icing sugar.