Zeeuwse Bolus Recipe, Dutch Food

Zeeuwse Bolus Recipe, Dutch Food.
The outcome is softer and less bready than real bread in structure, an ultra sticky confection that will certainly stay with your ribs and put your teeth into shock mode with a mega dosage of sweet taste. A bolus is a sweet pastry of Jewish origin from the Dutch province of Zeeland.
The bolus wased initially produced in Zeeland in the very first half of the 17th century. They are made by baking a kind of dough in a spiral shape and covering it with treacle and cinnamon.

50 grams yeast
75 grams butter
1 egg
500 grams flour
salt (one knife point)
350 ml milk
250 grams brown sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon

1. Sieve the flour over a scale, and put some salt in it.
2. Heat the milk till this is 37 degrees celsius.
3. Liquefy the yeast in combination with the butter in a small little lukewarm milk.
4. Produce a hollow in the flour and include the yeast mix, and the egg.
5. Pour, bit by bit, the remainder of the lukewarm milk in the flour and integrate.
6. Knead it to a great smooth dough.
7. Let the dough increase to roughly 1 hour with a wet cloth over the top, in a warm location.
8. In the meantime, blend the cinnamon and brown sugar on your bench/work top.
9. Roll the dough in to pieces of 16 inches length.
10. Roll these pieces through the sugar/cinnamon and form each roll into a shell (like a snails).
11. Put the buns on a buttered cookie sheet, pour over them the remaining sugar and cinnamon and bake them in a pre-heated oven at 440 degrees/ 250C for about 45 minutes.
12. Enable them to cool however moist out, and serve.